Hi my name is Maddy and I just turned 50 yrs old. Dr. Misra performed the vertical sleeve on me. Before my surgery, the heaviest I have been was 391 pounds. I lost 100 pounds on my own but I just was unable to lose the last 140. I kept yoyo’ing up and down with my weight. When I met Dr. Misra my weight was at 291. I knew I had to do something about getting the rest of the weight off. We spoke about my surgical options. I wanted a permanent solutions to my weight issues. I had my surgery and currently my weight to date is 189. My final goal is to be between 150 – 160.
Today – oh my gosh – my life has changed completely. It has not only physically changed but it has also changed me mentally as well.

This is me now! I’ve lost over 100 pounds, and no longer suffer from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes!
Walking up the stairs are no longer an issue. I now understand what it means to eat and how to eat. I love to do exercise. I walk, bicycle and swim without getting tired or feeling that I am going to have chest pains. I am completely off all medications that I used to have to take for my cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Watching the scale go down every week is such a fabulous feeling. I look forward going clothes shopping and its so nice to know that I don’t have to go just to the “big women section” anymore. I thing the best thing that has happened to me was two weeks ago. My parents came to visit and they had not seen me since last year. My dad and mom did not recognize me! Actually had to do a double-take! It brought me to tears I was so excited to show them the “new me”. I can’t thank Dr. Misra for changing my life. She has saved me from a life that would have most definitely been shorten due to my obesity.